发布时间:2017-12-22 作者:Prof.Lioz Etgar 来源: 浏览次数:
受梁叔全教授和王小锋副教授邀请,The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 的Prof.Lioz Etgar做了题为“The evolution of perovskite based solar cells”的学术报告。报告中,Prof.Lioz Etgar介绍了对钙钛矿基PV电池的研究,钙钛矿杂化物同时作为光收集器和空穴导体发挥作用。这种太阳能电池结构中空穴传输材料的消除避免了空穴传输材料进入多孔TiO2中的氧化和渗透问题。另外,它提供了更好的太阳能电池的稳定性。使用光伏和电化学表征来揭示这种创新的钙钛矿太阳能电池的操作机制。报告结束后,Prof.Lioz Etgar与在场师生进行了热烈的交流,细心回答了学生提出的问题,现场气氛十分活跃。
Lioz Etgar is a professor of chemistry, at the Casali Center for Applied Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Prof. Etgar was the first to demonstrate the possibility to work with the pioneer publication in this field. (More than 1000 citations in 5 years) Due to his excellent work on perovskite, Prof. Etgar was selected to attend the 59th Meeting of Nobel Laureates (Lindau meeting). Recently he won the prestigious Krill prize by the Wolf foundation, which is a milestone for the Nobel Prize. Prof. Etgar who focuses on the development of innovation solar cells is researching new excitonic solar cells structures/architectures while designing and controlling the inorganic light harvester structure and properties to improve the photovoltaic parameters.