发布时间:2015-11-23 作者:材料学院研究生会 来源:中南大学材料学院 浏览次数:
2015年11月16日上午9:00,中南大学材料学院青年科协联合院研究生会举办的中南大学材料学院先进材料技术专场系列报告暨青年学术沙龙第140、141场在特冶楼229学术活动室顺利举行。本次学术沙龙邀请了苏黎世联邦理工学院的Manfred Roth教授作先进材料技术系列报告。报告会有包括刘华山教授、张宁讲师和二三十名研究生到场参加。
Manfred Roth教授的第一场报告题目是“Failures in Aircraft-Structures”。Manfred Roth教授首先简单的介绍了下自己以及自己的科研经历。接下来Roth教授介绍了飞行器失效分析的原理,并结合了具体的案列研究。案列研究包括喷气式客机的主要起落架、军用喷气机的翼紧固销、喷气机发动机的涡轮叶片等,最后报告中总结了四种分析方法,有断口组织照片分析、显微组织研究、显微表面分析、机械性能测试等,也给出了对于具体问题要优化组合分析的建议,并与在场师生进行了热情的交流与互动。
Manfred Roth教授的第二场报告题目是“Surface Analysis (Auger and ESCA)”。Manfred Roth教授首先介绍了材料表面及界面中存在的问题,接下来着重介绍了表面分析方法,有Auger-Electron-Spectroscopy(AES,SAM) 、X-ray-Photoelectron-Spectroscopy(XPS,ESCA)。报告中也结合这些表面分析方法对一些具体的案列进行了分析。报告最后总结了表面分析方法在组织失效分析中的应用。
Prof. Dr. Manfred Roth
Department of Materials
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland
1981 Dr. Ing. Materials Science, University of Erlangen, Germany
1978 Dipl. Ing. Materials Science, University of Erlangen, Germany
Diploma thesis: Pore formation in pure iron during creep deformation
Professional Experience
From 2015 Consultant “Advanced Materials”
2009 to 2013 Guest-Professor at Central South University, Changsha, China
2012 to 2014 Senior Scientist, Advanced Materials and Surfaces, Swiss Federal
Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa), Dubendorf, CH
2004 to 2012 Head of the Laboratory Joining- and Interface Technology, Swiss Federal
Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa), Dubendorf, CH
1991 to 2004 Head of the Laboratory Surface- and Joining Technology, Swiss Federal
Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa), Dubendorf, CH
1985 to 1991 Head of the Laboratory Physical Metallurgy/Metallography, Swiss Federal
Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa), Dubendorf, CH
1982 – 1985 Researcher, BBC Research Center, Baden, Switzerland
- Shot-peening of gas and steam turbine blades
- Material-processing by high power lasers
- Development of a duplex steel with improved corrosion and fatigue properties
Professional Affiliations
1991 – 1998 The Swiss Association for Materials Technology, Member of the Board
More than 60 scientific/technical publications in international refereed journals; 3 patents; numerous contributions to conferences and other publications.