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发布时间:2016-09-30    作者:Dr. Yuan Wu,Tiberiu STAN    来源:     浏览次数:


96日周二 上午9:30-12:00

Lecture 1 中南大学材料学院青年学术沙龙第168

9:30-10:30  YUAN WU (Assoc. Specialist, UCSB)

Crystal Structure, Composition, and Orientation Relationship of Nanoclusters in the Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys


Lecture 2 中南大学材料学院青年学术沙龙地169

10:40-11:40  TIBERIU STAN (Ph.D. Candidate, UCSB)

Fabrication and Characterization of Fe-Y2Ti2O7 Bilayers: Model Interfaces to Further NFA Understanding



Lecture 3 中南大学材料学院青年学术沙龙地170

15:00-16:00  YONG JIANG (Professor, CSU )

DFT Modeling and Calculation of Metal/Oxide Interfaces: Methods and Application


97日周三 上午9:30-12:00

Lecture 4 中南大学材料学院青年学术沙龙地171

9:30-10:30  YUAN WU (Assoc. Specialist, UCSB)

TEM Characterization of He Implanted MA957 and 14YWT


Lecture 5 中南大学材料学院青年学术沙龙地172

10:40-11:40  YONG JIANG (Professor, CSU)

Helium Interactions with GBs, Oxides, and Fe/Y2Ti2O7 Interfaces in NFAs



Lecture 6 中南大学材料学院青年学术沙龙地173

15:00-16:00  TIBERIU STAN (Ph.D. Candidate, UCSB)

He Interactions With Metal-Oxide Interfaces and Bilayers


98日周四 上午9:30-12:00

Lecture 7 中南大学材料学院青年学术沙龙地174

9:30-10:30  LIJUN ZHANG (Professor, CSU)

Phase-Field Modeling in Materials Science: Recent Progress in CSU


Lecture 8 中南大学材料学院青年学术沙龙地175

10:40-11:40  BIN LIU (Assoc. Professor, CSU)

 High-Entropy Alloys: Recent Progress in CSU


G. R. Odette教授:美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校材料系、和化学机械工程系双聘教授,美国核学会和TMS学会资深Fellow,《J. Nuclear Mater》等期刊编委,曾任美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校工程院院长、材料系、和化学机械工程系主任,多次担任美国能源部核材料项目首席科学家。Odette教授课题组主要研究方向是核反应堆结构材料的设计、制备和服役表征。在纳米特征结构铁基合金方面与江勇教授已合作发表《Acta Mater3篇、《PRB1篇、《JAP2篇。加州大学圣芭芭拉分校材料系在NRC(美国国家科学研究委员会)排名第一,美国US News排名前二。

UCSB Speakers

Dr. Yuan Wu

Specific Expertise & Key Performance Areas

Transmission Electron Microscopy (Electron diffraction and diffraction indexing, High resolution TEM/STEM imaging, Image simulation, EDX &EELS, Hand-on skills on operating TEM: FEI_T20_EDX, FEI_T20_Cryo, FEI_Titan) and Focused Ion Beam (Hand-on skills on operating FIB: FEI Helios_FIB, FEI_DB235)

Work Experience

2009.03 – Present  Associate Specialist, Chemistry Department, UCSB, CA          

2007.02 – 2008.12  Electron Microscopy Engineer, Catalytic Solutions Incorporated, Oxnard, CA

2002.01 – 2007.01  Post Graduate Researcher, Material Department, UCSB, CA   

2000.03 – 2001.12  ISTEC Fellow, Superconductivity research, Tokyo, Japan

1998.08 – 2000.03  COE Researcher, National Research Institute for Metals, Tsukuba, Japan


1998.06  Ph. D in Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China

1995.07  M.S. in Solid State Physics, Jilin University, China

1992.07  B.S. in Condensed Mater Physics, Jilin University, China

Tiberiu STAN

Work Experience

2011 – Present  Research/Teaching Assistant, University of California Santa Barbara

2009 – 2011    Undergraduate Student Researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory

2006 – 2008    Software Tester, Los Alamos National Laboratory

2008 – 2010    Vice President, Student Apartment Community Council


2016.11(expected)  Ph.D in Materials Science, University of California Santa Barbara

2011.06  B.S. in Physics, University of California Santa Barbara

Awards and Accompliments

Best Presentation Award – TMS 2015/MPIM, Orlando FL 2015 ?

Best Poster Finalist – MRS 2013, Anaheim CA 2013 ?

Completion of Neutron Scattering in Nuclear Materials School – UC Berkeley 2012 ?

Best Poster Award – Student Symposium, LANL  2011 ?

Completion of Atomic Level Response of Materials to Irradiation Summer School – Santa Fe NM  2010 ? Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship – LANL 2010 ?

SPOT award for Student Symposium presentation – LANL 2007


Courtesy to Stephan Kraemer (now at Harvard University) for the TEM, and to Peter Wells (UCSB) for the APT.


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