发布时间:2015-11-23 作者:材料学院研究生会 来源:中南大学材料学院 浏览次数:
上午9时,受江勇教授邀请,瑞士苏伊士理工学院教授Manfred Roth进行了题为“Laser materials processing. Repair of turbine components”的报告。报告中,Roth教授以发动机涡轮部件的修复为例,对激光材料加工技术进行了介绍。Roth教授从激光加工过程中的物理参量的变化以及材料反应时间的不同切入,分析了激光加工技术的特点及技术优势,报告深入浅出,师生进行了充分的交流。
下午1:30,Manfred Roth教授进行了题为“Fractured steel hangers of indoor swimming pools”的专场报告。报告中以两个钢结构失效事件为例,分别分析了304不锈钢、M60不锈钢结构的服役环境,对其所受载荷和所处的腐蚀环境进行分析,通过对材料断口及裂纹扩展类型的检测,指出了应力腐蚀开裂的形式和特点,并对此类材料失效形式的预防给出了建议。
Prof. Dr. Manfred Roth
Department of Materials
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland
1981 Dr. Ing. Materials Science, University of Erlangen, Germany
1978 Dipl. Ing. Materials Science, University of Erlangen, Germany
Diploma thesis: Pore formation in pure iron during creep deformation
Professional Experience
From 2015 Consultant “Advanced Materials”
2009 to 2013 Guest-Professor at Central South University, Changsha, China
2012 to 2014 Senior Scientist, Advanced Materials and Surfaces, Swiss Federal
Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa), Dubendorf, CH
2004 to 2012 Head of the Laboratory Joining- and Interface Technology, Swiss Federal
Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa), Dubendorf, CH
1991 to 2004 Head of the Laboratory Surface- and Joining Technology, Swiss Federal
Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa), Dubendorf, CH
1985 to 1991 Head of the Laboratory Physical Metallurgy/Metallography, Swiss Federal
Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa), Dubendorf, CH
1982 – 1985 Researcher, BBC Research Center, Baden, Switzerland - Shot-peening of gas and steam turbine blades
- Material-processing by high power lasers
Professional Affiliations- Development of a duplex steel with improved corrosion and fatigue properties
Publications1991 – 1998 The Swiss Association for Materials Technology, Member of the Board
More than 60 scientific/technical publications in international refereed journals; 3 patents; numerous contributions to conferences and other publications.