发布时间:2011-12-20 作者:-- 来源:-- 浏览次数:
2011年12月7日下午,台湾大学研发中心主任段维新教授在中南大学校本部升华楼新前101报告大厅,做了题为“Innovation and patents - a personal experience on the development of a novel composite for heat dissipation purpose ”的专场报告。首先,他简单介绍了国立台湾大学材料学院的建设情况,并欢迎大陆学生加强海峡两岸材料科学的交流与研究。然后开始了他这次的主题学术报告。会后,教授同与会专家和师生开展了积极热烈的讨论。
Prof. Wei-Hsing Tuan的个人简介
Deputy Dean, Office of Research & Development, Taiwan University;
Director, Center of Industry-Academic Cooperation,
Professor, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, Taiwan University.
1976-1980 B.S. in Materials Engineering, Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
1980-1982 M.S. in Materials Science, TsingHua University, Taiwan
1985-1988 Ph.D. in Ceramics, Leeds University
Primary Research Interests
· Processing of ceramics
· Microstructure design of ceramic-matrix composites
· Sintering theories and practice
· Biodegradable bioceramics
Academician of World Academy of Ceramics (WAC), 2011.
Organized Conferences
1. 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications (ACTSEA-2011), Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, Kenting, Taiwan (2011) (Chair).
2. 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications (ACTSEA-2009), Nov. 1-4, Taipei, Taiwan (2009) (Chair).
3. 1st International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications (ACTSEA-2007), Nov. 4-7, Kenting, Taiwan (2007) (Chair).
Title for the presentation (1st Forum on the Research and Higher Education for Material Science and Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China (Dec. 7-9, 2011):
1. Innovation and patents-Examples on the development of novel composites
2. Brief on the Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiwan University