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发布时间:2017-04-27    作者:William W. Sampson    来源:     浏览次数:

2017年4月24日上午10:00,中南大学青年科技工作者协会、中南大学材料学院青年科协联合材料学院研究生会举办的青年学术沙龙第218场在化学楼210顺利举行,本次报告主讲人为 William W. Sampson。材料科学与工程学院梁叔全院长、李周副院长、江勇教授等师生到场参加。

Prof. Sampson首先向大家介绍了英国曼彻斯特大学。作为全球顶尖的科研与教学机构之一,曼彻斯特大学为人类社会的发展做出了举世瞩目的贡献,在国际社会享有极高声誉,其材料学院是欧洲最大的材料工程学院,也是欧洲最大的材料科学、时装与纺织研究和教学中心,在材料学领域的“科研力量”位居全英第一。随后,Prof. Sampson的研究对象为非均匀材料,通过运用科学的方法建立模型来研究结构对材料性质的影响。他向我们讲解了对于不同材料的模型建立,包括纸、非织造织物、复合材料和纤维材料等。整场会议生动活泼,师生们热烈讨论,取得了很好的报告效果。


    Bill Sampson is Professor of Materials Modelling and Head of the School of Materials at the University of Manchester, one of the largest university materials activities in the western world. Bill graduated from UMIST in 1989 with a BSc in Paper Science and in 1992 graduated from the same department with a PhD. He immediately joined the Faculty as a Lecturer, becoming Senior Lecturer in 2004 and Professor in 2013.

    Bill’s research involves the application of scientific methods to the modelling and characterization of heterogeneous materials, with emphasis on their structure and its influence on properties. Bill has worked extensively on the properties of paper, nonwoven textiles, composites and fibrous filtration. More recently, he has worked on modelling the structure of electrospun polymer fibre networks, microfibrillated cellulosic networks for use in composite materials, silver nanowire networks for transparent displays and in the development of statistical theoretical frameworks for the self-assembly of aggregating colloidal systems.

    Bill is a member of the Pulp and Paper Fundamental Research Committee, and was Programme Chair for the prestigious four-yearly Pulp and Paper Fundamental Re-search Symposia in 2005, 2009 and 2013. He has spent periods of study leave at the University of Toronto (1994/5) and at the Forest Research Institute of New Zealand & University of Auckland (1997/8). He is a member of PAPTAC, TAPPI and Appita and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.





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