发布时间:2015-04-15 作者: 来源: 浏览次数:
本次学术沙龙的报告人是材料院汪冰峰副教授,报告的题目是“Preparation of medical device materials by explosive cladding and the related shear localization”。报告会由江勇教授主持,材料院李慧中教授、刘军教授、陶辉锦副教授、刘会群副教授等多名师生到场参加。
报告内容是Explosive cladding is a high-strain-rate material processing method and has the capability to join a wide variety of both similar and dissimilar combination of metals that cannot be joined by fusion welding and any other bonding methods. Ti/NiCr and Ti/Al2O3/NiCr bars fabricated by explosive cladding technique form a new class of metal-matrix composites for medical devices, especially for the treatment of muscle pains. Ultrafine grained titanium can be obtained by severe plastic deformation methods such as equal-channel-angular-pressing and multi-directional forging. Shear localization is one of the most important deformation and failure mechanisms for titanium in the explosive cladded bars. In this talk, I will present our research results for the explosive cladded bars and the related shear localization. The talk will cover the preparation of the explosive cladding bars, the preparation of the ultrafine grained metals by equal-channel-angular-pressing and multi-directional forging, and the microstructural evolution in the adiabatic shear bands. I will also introduce the relvent research activities in University of California, San Diego.
Prof. Bingfeng Wang is the vice dean of Materials Processing Department and the vice chairman of Young Scientists Association of Central South University. He received his Bachelor's degree from Xiangtan University in 2000 and his Ph.D from Central South University in 2006, after which he became a faculty member at Central South University.