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发布时间:2016-11-10    作者:Prof. Hua-Tay Lin    来源:     浏览次数:

        2016年11月15日周二下午3:00,中南大学材料学院青年科协联合院研究生会举办的青年学术沙龙第189场在化学楼210顺利举行,本次学术沙龙的主讲人为Prof. Hua-Tay Lin,材料科学与工程学院梁叔全、郑峰教授等师生到场参加。

报告会题目为“Mechanical Reliability Assessment of Silicon Nitride Components”。Hua-Tay Lin教授首先谈到结构陶瓷通过控制微观结构和组成,可以用来设计克服自身固有的脆性。先进的氮化硅陶瓷则能够推进电力和运输系统的高效涡轮系统,包括燃气涡轮和微型燃气轮机。然后,介绍了自己带领的广东创新和创业研究团队的主要研究项目,包括氮化硅电力电子基板(现在处于商业化的发展阶段),氮化硅喷嘴,氮化硅陶瓷切割工具等。最后,总结了氮化硅陶瓷的应用领域,包括喷嘴,刀具,轴承球,而在在LED组件中,可以替代氧化铝和氮化铝,使器件达到高亮度、稳定、寿命长的要求,在人体关节材质中,未来可以替代氧化锆等。报告会最后,Hua-Tay Lin教授与在场师生进行了热切的交流讨论,细心回答了大家提出的问题,并且结合自身经验,对大家如何撰写科研论文和投稿给予宝贵的建议,全场掌声热裂,气氛十分活跃。


Prof. Lin currently is the Distinguished Professor of Guangdong University of Technology, China and the Team Leader of a Guangdong Innovation and Entrepreneurial Research Team Project “on Advanced Manufacturing of High Performance Ceramic Components”. Prof. Lin was formerly a research group leader and distinguished R&D Staff of Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. He earned a B.S. in Physics from National Central University, Taiwan, and M.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Engineering from Auburn University. He is an Academician of World Academy of Ceramic, and a Fellow of ASM International and the American Ceramic Society. His researches mainly focus on mechanical reliability of advanced ceramic components, environmental barrier coatings, and electronic devices. He is the editor and co-editor of 30 peer-reviewed conference proceedings, and author and co-author of more than 160 peer-reviewed publications. He has served in International Advisory Board of more than 45 international conferences/symposia and chaired/co-chaired about 75 prominent international conferences/symposia. He now serves as the Board of Director of the American Ceramic Society and currently is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. He also serves as the Chair of the Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance Committee, the ASM International, and the Advisory Board member of the World Academy of Ceramics.

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